A very useful features embedded in the BLACK system architecture that is found in our E1X, BLACK EX and BLACK System Components is our DSP based BASS EQ control. This control uses precision DSP algorithms that have nothing in common with the crude +/-15dB analog Bass and Treble controls of yesteryear that have been justifiably driven from the audiophile consciousness. Our spectral controls use gentle 64bit, double precision, DSP based IIR filters embedded in the BLACK system architecture and mimic the phase and frequency response of second order analog filters. Our unique system architecture includes these features with no added A/D or D/A stages, no added analog components to create noise or distortion or FIR filter time domain anomalies to compromise the sonic quality of the system.
The Bass EQ function is great for taming overly active speakers or rooms or for filling a large space that would otherwise lack bass energy. For example, if the mid-bass is too present this can lead to veiling of mid-range information. With the +/-3dB Bass EQ function you can easily optimize bass balance in the room. The transfer characteristic of the BASS EQ control is shown below:

It operates as a shelf below 200Hz and provides precision 0.6dB steps over a +/-3dB range. I use this in my personal system in the +3 position to add 1.8dB of boost to my TAD TD-2404 Studio Monitors. These do not have the typical mid-bass bump of many high-end speakers and they are loaded into a very large volume of space so this 1.8dB is perfect to get the overall sonic balance just right. I leave this control fixed for all music and occasionally use the TILT for specific recordings, as needed. No compromise here and complete repeatability. It is interesting that a setting of 2 or 4 does not quite cut it, 3 is the Goldilocks setting for my system and room, demonstrating that the 0.6dB setting offers just enough resolution to hit the mark, without driving you crazy with too many discrete steps.
I was recently involved in optimizing system settings for an ACI600 based system using more typical high -end speakers with the mid-bass (circa 100Hz) bump in a much smaller space. There was just too much bass energy, causing mid-band veiling. We set the BASS EQ to -2, trimming 1.2dB off below 200Hz and the system opened right up, without giving any feeling that the low bass energy was lacking.
Living with these filter options to optimize the in-room listening experience I would be loathe to have a system that does not offer this kind of capability. There is no sonic compromise with this control so it can be used to achieve the goal of optimizing the in-room experience without compromising any aspect of musical playback. These embedded DSP based IIR controls add no noise or distortion like old-school analog based EQ or any time domain distortions introduced by FIR room correction filters. Beware, once you experience the system optimizing powers of these controls there is no going back!